==Action Plan: Replacing Motherboard in cluster environment==
Goal: You will be replacing the motherboard for the system named XXX with serial number: XXX.
Impact: This is a non-disruptive action plan only if the correct parts are removed.
Please contact NetApp support immediately if there are any questions or concerns regarding this action plan.
System Downtime: 0 minutes
Plan Duration: 60 minutes
These steps assumes that the system with the faulty motherboard is up and running.
Laptop with console cable is required to perform this action plan.
On the partner head
1. If cluster is not in takeover, fail cluster over to the filer that does not have the bad motherboard.
filer2> cf takeover [wait for takeover to complete]
2. Gather the information about FC ports
filer2> partner fcadmin config [save the fc configuration information for later use in step 7]
On the head with bad motherboard
3. Replace motherboard
4. Move NVRAM card and any other additional cards from old motherboard to new one
5. Interrupt the boot process, at the firmware prompt, set the partner id variable;
LOADER> setenv partner-sysid
6. Boot into maintenance mode
7. Display the current setting of the FC ports (initiator vs target) and compare with output
from step 2.
filer1> fcadmin config
8. Set the correct FC port to target vs initiator.
filer1> fcadmin config -t target
filer1> fcadmin config -t initiator
9. Verify FC port config and ensure that correct ports are set to initiator vs target:
filer1> fcadmin config
NOTE: The fcadmin config should be set the same as output from step 2.
10. Verify that you can see the correct amount of drives from maintenance mode.
11. Halt and boot into 'waiting for giveback
filer1> halt
On the partner head
12. Perform cf giveback
filer2> cf giveback